Add a New NFT to Your Collection

By now, you are a proud owner of at least one collection. To add a new NFT to that collection, first, make sure that you are logged in with your profile on, and then click the "Create" button on the homepage.

This action takes you to the "CREATING YOUR DROP" page.

The term "drop" refers to the first time an item is sold on the marketplace by a Verified Creator.

Creating your new NFT

This is the page where you can start creating your NFT. From there, the first step to providing all information necessary to mint an NFT is uploading the artwork. We support files of PNG, GIF, WEBP, MP4, and MP3 types with a maximum of 50 MB. Secondly, you'll need to upload a file of either the PNG or GIF type that will act as the thumbnail for your NFT. On your right, you can see a preview of how your NFT will look with the thumbnail and its name and price displayed.

Choose carefully, because this will represent your artwork when it is viewed on the marketplace or in user profiles.

The third step involves naming your NFT and inserting the number of NFTs you are planning to include in this drop. We support a maximum number of 9,999 NFTs within a single drop. Step 4: Describing your NFT (49-200 characters);

If you are minting more than one copy, the token will be generated using the ERC-1155 standard. Single copies are created as unique ERC-721 tokens. To read more on the difference between the two, take a look here.

The fourth step requires describing your NFT. You can include any information necessary in no more than 200 characters.

The fifth step requires you to select from the dropdown the collection you plan to add this NFT to.

Minting your NFT

You can now mint your NFT simply by clicking the (now) enabled 'MINT" button. A "Minting in Progress" modal is displayed on your screen, showing you are half-way done just by clicking the "MINT" button. Amid minting, your wallet provider would ask you to pay for the gas needed for minting. Confirm it to complete the minting.

After the transaction is confirmed and carried out, you'd be notified via a pop-up, and the "Minting in Progress" modal would show 100% completed minting.

Below the progress bar, the modal is giving you 2 options:

  1. asking you if you would like to view your NFT

  2. asking you if you would like to choose the listing format.

View your NFT

After clicking "View NFT" you can see a preview of your newly created NFT with its name displayed right underneath, together with the options to copy the URL, make the NFT one of your favorites, and the option to expand the image fully on your screen.

Information under the "Info" tab includes the creator's address, owner, the name of the collection it belongs to, its description, the contract address, the token standard (ERC1155), fees and royalties (if included), token ID, blockchain, and the number of NFTs you own out of the total.

The "Trade" tab on the top left allows you to list the NFT for either sale or auction. You can read more on this in List an NFT for Purchase.

You should find the newly minted NFT added to your collection as illustrated below:

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